Hello Roseline,Interesting little idea you have here. I moved LESS than a month ago. The woman I moved in with was cordial, friendly and considerate for the first 2 days. After that, it has been a NIGHTMARE! I have never felt so unwelcome anywhere!
She SLAMS the doors really hard, uses the washer as her personal hamper so I have to ASK to do laundry, never moved one single cup or plate so that I could put my own cups in the cabinet. She has a dog and so do I. After I moved in, I found out that her dog has an eating disorder. He eats EVERYTHING that gets put down! And she encourages his begging at the table. I have to feed both my dog and myself in my bedroom and if I don't remember to put my dog's food UP, hers will come trolling and eat it all. She says I stress too much about it but how else will I know if my own dog is healthy and eating if I don't keep an eye on her food intake?
She keeps the TV on 10. The volume is so loud that I can't hear my own TV in my room unless I turn it up uncomfortably LOUD myself! She keeps the vacuum cleaner in her room so that I have to ASK for it when I want to clean my room. And if she's not here, of course I would never violate her space, so I have to wait till she gets home to do my own cleaning. Oh yeah, she has never given me a key to the house and keeps the garage door key in her car (the garage is used for storage and not for cars). I have things stored in the garage. I can't get to them unless of course she's home and I ASK her when she's in a good mood. I don't drink...she slams down a bottle of wine a day (which I had no idea about b/4 moving).
The list goes on...it sounds like small things but there are so many of them. I feel like an intruder here. This is not how it was supposed to be...
Of course I am now looking around for a different place...
Monday, November 27, 2006
I have never felt so unwelcome anywhere!
Posted by
11:16 a.m.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
I have two horrible experiences....
I'm female, and my first roomy seemed cool at first. The first day I moved in I realized I'd made a big mistake, but I can't talk about that whole thing pending court action against him, so I'll tell you after I win!
The guy I'm living with now is a total freaking slob! Absolutely disgusting. I am the only one in 2 months who has cleaned the kitchen. He also collects the trash in the garage instead of paying the 5 bucks a month for the trash people to take it. I have found many spiders in this place, along with tons of spiderwebs. He never vaccuums. He uses my stuff without asking, and one day I come home and he puts a lock over the thermostat so I couldn't use it. He likes to freeze me out. Luckily I am moving out of this hell hole next week, and I tell you, guys are slobs and I am never rooming with them again! I learned my lesson, get your own place!
Posted by
9:36 p.m.