Wednesday, October 25, 2006

sugarmaple12 said...

sugarmaple12 said...

I had one hell of a horrible roommate when I first moved to Denver.

We met through Craigslist (of course, because I didn't know anyone) I moved into a 2 bedroom dump that was fair in price. I figured it was a good way to meet some new people by having someone else moving in..... yeah right.

So, I met this girl (We'll call her V) who seemed really nice. Obviously spoiled rotten to hell. Her mommy paid for half her rent (which was $450 incl utils!!!) Trust fund baby- who abused her funds, and worked at whole foods. She claimed she was a "good girl" who had a BF in some other state- yet was messing around with one of our neighbors.

I told V (before she moved in) that my cat would be moving here in a couple of weeks when I was planning a trip home to the east coast. My cat is so great (and i'm more of a dog person- i like cats, but would rather have a dog)She's indoor/outdoor, doesn't need a litter box, and keeps to herself. V claimed that she was allergic, but would deal with it. I asked her if she was sure about that statement. "Oh yeah, I'll be fine." OOOOOkkkkaaaaayyyy- I warned her!

Well needless to say, she wasn't ok with it. V instantly became bitchy. Never spoke to me, never was around. So I asked her if everything was alright and if there was anything I could do to help her (SEVERAL TIMES) "Everything's fine, I'm just tired and I've got a lot of stuff going on." That was one of her daily sayings. BUT- when she was around- she would pick up my cat and nuzzle her head into her face. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!! And you say youre allergic??

My friends/neighbors had witness her abusing my cat several times and of course I confronted her about- she denied, naturally.

Wait- theres more. She had a dog. A yipping dust mop piece of shit (don't get me wrong- I LOVE dogs- jsut not this one) Now mind you, we didnt have a yard in this apt. So since V was never around, the dog NEVER went outside. Meaning I would come home to dog piss and poo everywhere- the kicker is that the dog insisted to shit in my room. I'm sure V loved this. I explained to her that she was neglecting her dog and that she didnt deserve it. It's just plain abuse. SHe would come home from a long day of work, not take the dog out, and crash for the night. This dog was inside for over 18 hours without going outside. (I should have called animal control on her ass!) Anf this happened for about 2 months- this is no one shot deal here people. HELLO!!! It's called responsibility!! YOU wanted the DOG- YOU have to take it OUT. Not me! I don't mind helping out every once in a while- no prob. But when it becomes daily, several times a day- thats a little rediculous.

Now to top it all off, I came home one day (2 days before rent was due) and she packed up all her shit and moved out while I was at work!!! No warning, no 1 months notice- NOTHING.... except a note. This note that V wrote to me said that I did nothing to help her with her allergies, I was very inconciderate, and basically that I was a horrible person. It also said that she had told our landlord everything, and he said for me to deal with everything. UMMMMMMM right- I called the landlord that instant, and he said that he was trying to get a hold of her for weeks because she never paid the dog deposit. So he allowed me to use her rent deposit for Dec. rent. Thank goodness.

That bitch- she's forever out of my life... her and her little dog too!

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