Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I moved into a house with a few girls thinking everything would be honky dory

I moved into a house with a few girls thinking everything would be honky dory. For the most part it was...well except for a few psychos.
One girl had been living there for 5 years (keep in mind she's now almost 40 living with a couple of 20 yr olds). I guess this is why she felt a little territorial (she would boss people around, try to run the place as though she were the owner, etc--I'm surprised she never urinated on the place to mark it). I let all this go until one day while I was eating dinner she literally tried to push me out of her chair.

Now here's the really dumb part, it's my dad's house I moved into and she's attempting to bully even me out.
However, she wasn't the only girl who was a little off her rocker. Another girl was complaining about the girl who lived next to her. At first I thought she was being caddy. The girl starts stealing food, stomps on the floor like a guerrilla (and she couldn't have been more than 110lbs), breaks into the other girl's room while she's sleeping to see if her window is locked (and she has a deadbolt on her own door), vaccuums at midnight and slams cuboards in the morning...not to mention she obsecive compulsive neat freak. Still I thought these were quirks.
One day I'm in my room and I here screaming and pounding thuds. I come racing out to see what all the commotion is about. It sounds like someone is being murdered.
Turns out one girl had a guy over (average, harmless looking guy). As he came out of the washroom (as sometime people tend to use) the crazy girl thought he was trying to rape her. Now, if you're a lunatic and you break into a house to rape women, do you stop to take a leak and wash your hands before you find them?
It didn't take long for those girls to find new places, and now my home is honky dory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic story! Enjoyed reading it! I should some day write a book about my adventures with 6 different roommates (6 homes) tittled Roommates From Hell