In September of this year I met my now girlfriend. She would come over to my apartment every day and hang out, even if I wasn't there; we weren't a couple until the end of October. In early October, she said that one of her best friends got stuck in the middle of a bad situation that was out of his control and was just released from prison. (My girlfriend was also on parole but don't judge yet.) They had been friends for 2 years and she trusted him enough to bring him to my place so I let them hang out. The 3 of us hung out for about a week and I started getting buried in financial problems. I was going to rent out my bedroom and I would have a "room" in the dining area.
That was where the tension began. The small talk errupted into a screaming match between my GF and my roommate. They were never able to reconcile their problems. My GF and I decided that if he was going to be a dick about the whole thing, then we would just do our own thing. There would be times when her and I would just be sitting next to each other on the couch, watching tv or something, and she would have her arm around me or her hand on my leg, but nothing more than that ever. He would get all pissed off then slam the door and start punching the walls and turn on his "Ministry" CD at like Mach 10 sound; which is really annoying and my neighbors have had us written us up for it.
That went on for weeks. It was so frustrating. We would have to make up excuses to be alone together for 30 seconds. It wasn't but 2weeks after he moved in that his job "just wasn't working out". I told him I would drive him to job interviews whenever he needed but he needed to get a job asap. He said he would but only went to 2 interviews in 3 months.
In early November, my GF was arrested and is stuck there for awhile. So it was just me and the ass-hole. The first weeks or so were actually alot better then I had expected. I think he was happy that my GF (his supposed BFF) was gone and he thought he could get a "rebound-fuck" or something. He was helpful and we (I thought) became like brother and sister.
He started acting wierd: staying up all night, constant quick phone calls-then he would take off for hours, then it became constant incoming calls all hours of the day and night. He would answer and say either yes or no then would run outside for a few minutes then come back in like that was nothing. I suspected that he was using and selling drugs in the apt.
Then he started having all sorts of girls over ALL the time. He wouldn't even ask me if it was cool. (This was late Nov early Dec-and he STILL hadn't paid rent). I started getting really irriated with him so I would do things like unplug the phone jack, and put passwords all over the stuff he wanted to use on the computer/internet. I would act like I had no idea what was going on but he knew and would start in his little rage fits.
I was scared of him. I'm 5'2", 135 lbs and he was 6'5" 220 lbs and looked like a biker, with a bald head and long mustauch complete with lots of tattoos. I started to just not come home for days at a time, then when I got home he would scream at me that he was looking for me cause he needed to use my car for a job interview. Whatever. One day he left for awhile so I looked through his stuff. I found a bunch of my stuff hidden in his room but then I found his prison/parole paperwork. This guy was/is Bi-Polar, has multiple personality disorder and is supposed to be on heavy psyc meds. He had also gotten in 4 or 5 fights in prison and the CO's noted that he had "worrysome behavior that leads to violence"-or something like that.
I wasn't sure what to do just yet and didn't confront him until a couple days later. Well what sent me over the edge to finally tell him was something I found on my computer. I was going through all these hidden folders cause I was getting alot of viruses and in looking through one file, I found pictures of my roommate wearing my red lacy bra and white lacy underwear. Just sittin' there on the couch with his hairy chest. He had taken the pics himself from my webcam.
I was totally disturbed by them and I got up, walked into his room and said flat out: "I don't want you selling drugs out of my house anymore." He simply said "ok, I wont." Then I started in about the disrespect he had been showing me lately, so he brought up the fact that something was missing from his room, so I brought the fact that the things that was missing was MINE; what else was mine was the computer and I didn't appreciate the porn he had on there not to mention the pics of him I had just found. He was floored. We were both yelling at that point and my friend who was over, heard everything-and he knew that. He got so pissed and said that his private business was his private business.
I rebutted with the fact that the computer was mine so I had every right to go through all the files. He said that the pics weren't supposed to be there. I told him they were and that I would delete them but he needed to get out-that night. He said he had been looking for other places already and that since he was living there for more than 30 days, he had 30 days to get out.
Some girl came by around 10 am to pick him up, as he was leaving, I asked for my keys back. He said he would give me the keys when he was all done moving out. I told him it had better be today and he said fuck you, then walked out. I was upset and scared so I was gonna stay with a friend. Well when I walked out to my was gone. That's right. The fucker stole my car. Along with ALL my personal information, previous bills, medical info, computer logons...everything. I did get my car back and he was arrested at the time for the GTA. That cost me a whole day and $135 and left me frustrated to Hell with my local PD for giving me the run around. Oh ya-AND he called me collect from jail and left a message saying "you'll regret this"
You're not gonna believe this....He was trying to hook up with a 13 year old girl online and was selling drugs. (That 13 year was old more like a 20-something undercover cop) The cops were pissed that they couldn't bring him in and absolutely TORE my place apart. In his room, in the stuff he had left behind, there was a pipe and a big baggie of drugs. The cops were assholes and I told them it was his, but I could tell that they didn't want to leave my place empty handed. My friend who was with me was on probation and I have no record so I told the cops I would take the charge for the drugs.
They said that they didn't want someone to just TAKE them, they wanted to know who it belonged to. After working it out with them, I was arrested and booked, 3 cities away. Turns out that what I thought was gonna be a misdemeanor, was a felony. I now have a court date for a felony. The ass-hole was released (COP'd) has been trying to hack my computer and is trying to get full administrator access to all my utilities and phones.
I have MORE than learned my lesson on roommates: never again!
Friday, December 22, 2006
I think I had the WORST roommate EVER!
The guy was super-sweet and had very good manners. So polite and considerate too. He was working a construction job but didn't like the place he was living and so we made an arrangement for him to be my new roommate. Things were cool for about 1 week. The more time I spent with my now GF, the more I was falling in love with her. She was pretty much living with me too at this point. Finally, one night, she sucked it up and spilled her heart out to me. We came to the conclusion, after hours of talking, that we wanted to have a relationship. But there was a little problem. My male roommate had made it very clear that he liked me, even though he knew I was a lesbian. So my GF decides that she will talk to him first about it before we set anything in stone.
I simply walked out and called the local PD to ask them if it was true, they confirmed and gave me the # the the Marshall. The next morning he came out of his room and started yelling, calling me a bitch, cunt, yadda yadda yadda. He even threated to punch my friends face in. I got the phone and started calling his P.O.-he hadn't checked in in 2 months. He got more pissed and started throwing stuff and we got in a screaming match.
A few days later, I got a knock at the door. I saw 3 scruffy looking guys; I thought they were friends of his coming to kick my ass. But I answered the door anyway-(dumb move). I was immediately advanced upon and had a search warrant for my home. It was the cops. From another city too. They were looking for my roommate and I told them he was already back up in Chino and asked what this was all about.
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5:55 p.m.
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I think you had the worse roomate ever as well. Jeez...
Well thanks for this blog b/c I was seriously considering a roomate but I'll just bite the bullet with the expenses and get my own place.
that sucks
Lindsay, c'mon-- take some responsibility for your own life. You said you never had a record before but you let a guy right out of jail, working construction, into your home? I'm not criticising you because I did the EXACT same thing myself, but when he went crazy I didn't "ban" all roommates, I just learned to make better choices.
I wish I could give you a hug :(
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