Hi Roseline! I have a roommate story for you. I live in Canada and I've had many roommates: some good, some bad, but this last one (and her boyfriend who was more like a less attractive, more smarmy siamese twin) really took the cake. Here is the story, and names and places have already been changed. Oh, and let's just say my name is Daisy. Thanks!!! Pension pour chien
About a year ago, I was at a coffee shop with my friend Carol. There were absolutely no free tables around, but sure enough there was one selfish guy using up a table for 6 all to himself. He was just sitting there with a laptop, so we asked politely whether we could sit with him, and he responded with a shrug that said "yeah, I guess so." Carol and I sat down and began a long conversation, disregarding the fact that a stranger was right next to us. After a few minutes of talk, the gentleman began reacting to some of the things we were saying, and occasionally reacting to things he seemed to be looking at on his computer. Another few minutes later, he began chipping in on our conversation, wedging his way in "sneakily" like strange people often do. Eventually he just turned his computer around and began showing us poorly-taken photos of a giant fire, and people who were evidently his "friends" jumping over said fire on bicycles. Safe, right? Oh, the things teenagers do... but wait! This guy is at least 30! Anyway, he enthusiastically introduced himself: "HI, my name's Fez*!!! I live in WHISTLER*!!! Do you snowboard? You should come stay with me and we'll hit the mountain" etc. Carol and I were both a bit overcome by the man's oddly immature way of presenting himself and especially his admiration for the stupid acts of his fire-jumping friends. Fez eventually left the coffee shop, and Candice and I fought over who would NOT take the paper with his phone number that he had given us. Neither of us did (we left it on the table), and from that point on, Fez became the butt of all of our "I can't stand the men in this city" "Why don't you give Fez a call!!" inside jokes. A year later, long after Fez has been made fun of and forgotten, my roommate Mary shows up with her new boyfriend. She walks in the door, and there's Fez. I rush to my computer and e-mail my friend Carol, asking her to "please tell me that we were being overly judgmental when we first met him! Please tell me that he wasn't a huge creep, because I seem to recall him really rubbing me the wrong way when we met him." Carol, a very kind and tolerant young lady, responded by saying that "yes, he's a creep, but probably harmless." As the days went on, my roommate and Fez fell completely in love. The kind of love that cannot possibly exist after only several days or weeks. They began to spend all of their time together, and when they were not together (or when they were in separate rooms), they sent each other loving msn messages and wrote each other extremely cliché poetry on Myspace comments (think..."I thought I knew what love was, but then I met you"). Because Fez lived in Whistler, our apartment became his new home. This guy went from being a creep at a coffee shop, to my new and certainly not welcome roommate. He did not become more endearing throughout this forced-get-to-know process; rather, I began to find him more and more creepy as I'd watch him attempt (on a daily basis) to scratch my dog's hind quarters in attempt to get my dog to "lick his pee pee", and as I'd listen to the inane and often disgustingly sexual (considering the people involved) conversations between the two of them. He was there every minute of every day, aside from when he was driving my roommate to her classes, waiting for her, and then bringing her back. Slowly but surely, this began to wear on my nerves, as well as the nerves of my landlord and my other roommate. After several warnings, both by my landlady and by the two of us roommates who are sick of seeing Mary and Fez all over the house, Fez was restricted to only two days of living with us, per week. Did the two lovebirds follow these rules? No. Instead, Mary snuck Fez in, sometimes through her bedroom WINDOW, every night. They hid his shoes in their room so that we "wouldn't know" that he was there, and on occasion he'd hide in her room for a full day while she went out to do various things that people who aren't freeloaders do. Whenever they thought we didn't know he was there, we knew. Besides, we could just assume he was there, because he always was. When the landlady finally gave Mary notice to vacate the apartment within two months, Mary broke down about how hard it is for her to love Fez so much and yet never be able to spend enough time with him. It somehow came as a shock to her, that the landlady was finally putting her foot down about this extra tenant. Mary cried, layed blame, and hurled insults at everyone but herself, despite the fact that she was the one who broke the rules that she had agreed to; she was the one being deceitful; she was the one irrationally in love with a 30 year old man with the mental capacity of a 14 year old; she was the one who didn't take advantage of the 3+ chances she was given by us actual rent-paying roommates; she brought it on herself. Mary insisted that her boyfriend (the equivalent to the man-on-the-couch in Half Baked, only smarmier and a lot more nauseating) was not living here the whole time, but her final words to my other roommate, as she solidified her date of moving out were: WE'LL move out by November 30th. Good riddance to bad roommates and worthless freeloaders! *names and places changed to protect the stupid
Pension pour chien
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Daisy said..
Posted by
9:36 a.m.
I also had a bad experience, as well.
Before I moved into current apartment, I paid a japanese agency to look for a person who rents a room out. They introduced me to this weird old Japanese lady who lives in co-op in Foresthill. I didn't know what the co-op is at the time. She told me all nice things and she never mentioned this is co-op and she wasn't allowed to have a roommate and they don't allow people to move in on weekends.I decided to rent the room immediately, because I was too busy to think about it. Then, I told her that my next day off is Saturday and Sunday, I would hire a mover and move in on Saturday. She didn't say anything that we can't.
When the day came, the mover went to the apartment, and the super came out and they had an argument and they were told to leave, because this was the weekend. I insisted that I paid for the mover and she didn't mention about it, so the mover and my boyfriend who helped me my moving accused her that it was her fault. She said she was sorry. Anyway, successfully I move in but every single time, I went out, she locked the chain and other locks, which she gave me only one key to them, I couldn't go in and out freely, so it was very convenient. In addition, she seemed to live alone for a long time, she didn't get used to live with someone.
She complained everything like she had to. She told me it seemd like I am the owner of this apartment because I have a good credit and good job and I got a lot of mails from everywhere, while she doesn't have anything to be sent. And she told me she wants to clean the rest of the room, so I don't have to clean. But she started nagging that I don't clean anything, when lost the interest to use the klitchen and ate out everyday, there was no reason why I had to clean. I moved out after 1 month because I recognized that this lady has a mental problem, which I have seen in the hosital where I work at. She was too lonely, so wanted to have a company. If she has money, she would have hired a companion to talk with. Unfortunately, she didn't have any money, I can see.When my sister came to NY and stayed with me for 5 days, which I told her before I decided to move in with her, that my sister was coming to visit me and stay with me, she said it would be OK, but when she came, she started saying that I told her that she would come next year. I
n NY, thing changes, why would I hav e to talk about next year, I judged she was crazy. And after than she tried to convince my sister that I am a bad person who doesn't clean anything. The apartment was in worse condition. The plumbing was clogged and small garbages she flushed in the kitchen, comes back out of the bath tub and she blamed that for me and former girl who lived with her for 3 months. I am ashamed as a the same japanese.
Posted by
8:45 a.m.
daron wrote:
I think I am cursed! I have live with the worst room mates you could ever imagine.
Once I moved in with an old friend of mine and she had a nice three bedroom house which happened to have an extra room. She told me there was another room mate but he was an ok guy. Well it sounded good enough to me. It turns out that this other room mate was an ex heroin addict who was taking morphene and he would sit at the kitchen table every night , like clockwork, he would have a bowl of soup in front of him and he would pass out face first into this bowl of soup. How he never drowned is beyond me.
I once had another room mate who would always steal my milk. It was so annoying because i told all the room mates not to drink my milk. i needed it for coffee and my breakfast cerial in the morning. But so many times I would go to pour milk on my cerial in the morning and a 2 litre jug would be reduced to 2 drops of milk. The real problem was i didnt know which of the room mates it was. I even started pouring my milk into a locking thermos and the bugger still found a way to get the milk out of it. So that was the final straw. I baught a bottle of laxative, it was in liquid form, and i added the entire content into the milk and i heard that dirty bugger moaning in the bathroom for an entire day! I didnt have a problem with losing any more milk after that day.
I once had another room mate or should I say 2 room mates who never left the house. I dont think either one of these guys would leave the house even if it were on fire. The first room mate had some mental problems. When ever I would bring friends over he would start having a mental breakdown and start yelling , theres too many people!!!, theres too many people!!! He was a real jem! He was growing pot in his bedroom closet and he would open his door at night and air out the smell into the rest of the house. He would always walk up to me and start talking about satanism and weird stuff like that. He would leave the house only once a day to go and pick up some Macdonals food which was all he ever ate. He would follow me around as if he were my shadow, not geting the hint that i didnt like him or want anything to do with him. He had a large screan tv but he couldnt afford cable. Well heres the kicker, my girlfriend and I were in my room, we had just had sex, and my girlfriend got up to go to the washroom, as she opened the door this guy almost fell head first into my room! He must have had his head pressed firmly against the door. Needless to say my girlfriend never came back to my place again.
Posted by
8:45 a.m.
I moved into a house with a few girls thinking everything would be honky dory
Posted by
8:45 a.m.
My first roomate was the worst
My fist roomate was the worst experience. I had on... experience.I had only a two weeks to find a place, so I answered an ad in the paper for a girl looking for a roomate. She happened to live in the same building as sme friends of mine so I was excited about that. I met with her and she seemed nice, the apartment was really clean, so I took the place.Things began to get really bad....Let's see in the 3 months I lived with her she:
- Painted bad pictures of naked little girls all over our living room walls (not ok'd by the landlord BTW)
- Turned our bathtub into a litter box for her 2 cats she was constantly neglecting.- Stole all my food so often I had to lock it up what I could in my bedroom.
- Had her alarm clock set for odd hours of the night then would disappear for a week with her bedroom door locked. I often had to call the landlord to come over and unlock her bedroom door so I could shut it off and get some sleep.
- She would always disappear when rent was due for a few weeks leaving me to scramble to try to find a way to cover her half or face eviction.
- Wait for me to go to bed and then lock herself in her room and turn up her music loudly but ignore me yelling at her to turn it down.- Stole several of my things but I got them back because I found them in her car with the doors unlocked.
- Collected jars of moldy food. That's right, if I cleaned out the fridge and threw away the moldy food she would dig them out of the trash and put them back in the fridge.
- Collected old empty boxes of pizza and left them sitting in her room with the cheese and grease baking in the sunlight from her window.
- Asked me for cash to pay the bills and then just spent the money with out paying them so all our utilities were turned off and I had to pay all the past money to get them turned back on since she couldn't.
-Would lock me out of the apartment by putting the chain lock on and ignore me when I banged on the door, I had to get the police to come and make her let me in.
- Moved her freend into a walk-in closet we had with out asking me if her friend could move in, finally they decided to 'evict' me after I complained to the landlord, so the 2 of them moved all my stuff out into the building's hallway one day while I was at work.
Luckily my landlord knew about my problems with my roommate and gave me a new apartment in the building where I found a much better roommate and my old one was evicted.
Posted by
8:45 a.m.
Debbie said
I once had a roommate who had a decent job working for the government. But she would blow her whole pay cheque the first day. Therefore she had no money to buy groceries.
She told me that she ate granola bars only (weird), no-one can live off of just granola bars! And she would stay up later than me, even though she was dead tired and needed to get up really early in the morning.
I started to notice that my canisters of spagetti, flour, brown sugar, cereal etc. started to dwindle over time, I couldnt understand it. Then one night I had to get up and let my dog out, she was in the kitchen with almost every pot cooking away. Weird I thought...she didnt ever buy groceries, where did she get the food from?
Then I figured it out, she was stealing all my food. I told her not to as I was on a strict budget, she kept doing it. So I got smart...I went to the store and bought 4 rubbermaid clear plastic boxes that fit into the fridge and freezer. I drilled holes into the lids and attached a padlock to each. Two in the fridge and 2 in the freezer, with all MY food in them. Plus, I attached a chain and a padlock to my kitchen cupboard.
During this time I was reasearching how I could legally get her out as a roommate, without any problems. Once I found out what to do, I gave her a week to find a place.
Posted by
8:45 a.m.
Glen said
had a guy call me from winnipeg,allan was his name,said he worked in internet sales and wanted to rent my room so i said ok,well he gets here and turns out the guy is on coke and herion and he works for a rip off company called bestcarsandtrucks.com,the second night he was here he starts a fire in my kitchen,he gets so freaked out i had to call the cops to take him away,the ccops searched his room and found drugs,kiddy porn and some tickets from a gay strip club,now he's lookin for a new place,watch out for this guy he's a freak.
Posted by
8:45 a.m.
LPN said...
Ohh where do I start???
I had a roommate at VSU that all of a sudden went crazy. We got a room together purposefully- we were friends. Then all of a sudden she starts acting crazy, yelling at me and calling me names for stupid little reasons. She actually screamed at me down the hall, so that everyone could hear, because I didn't vacuum our room (the vacuum cleaner had been borrowed). I wound up transferring to another school.
I had an Indian roommate at GaTech, the room always smelled like nasty curry and she was one of the messiest people I've ever seen- clothes and trash everywhere. On top of that, her and her boyfriend would make out/ fool around while I was trying to sleep! One time I came back from the gym, saw that she was under the covers taking a nap and so I changed into my robe and went to take a shower. About an hour later, she comes strolling in the room and I come to find out the "napper" was her boyfriend! Thanks a lot.
Then I moved into an apartment with 3 other girls- one of them never ever came out of her room. When you knocked on her door instead of coming to open it, she would just say "what is it?!". It was fun talking to her door. The 2nd girl was a bit neurotic in that she HAD to have the common areas spic and span, but when you went in her room, you couldn't see the floor there was so much stuff laying everywhere! And she liked to leave LONG notes on the fridge explaining her frustrations...instead of trying to sit down and talk about it with us. The third girl I got along with the best, but she was also a little crazy- someone scratched up one of her pans so she took ALL of her stuff out of the kitchen and kept it her room.
Then I had another roommate who had a waitressing job so she always worked late nights, and she always came home in the middle of the morning (3am, 5am) DRUNK and LOUD and would wake me up. Its great to be woken up at 5 when you have to get up at 7!!! Also, her and the other girl living there would do bumps on the kitchen counter, stay up all kinds of crazy hours, and get all weirded out. That was fun.
My current roommate is a 20 yr old guy, goes to some crappy community college and only takes 2 classes. He smokes pot every day, sits around on his lazy ass and that's about it. I can never get him to fix anything, do anything, clean up after himself, he can't even be bothered to lock up the house properly when he leaves. Not to mention after he takes a shower it is so gross in there. Yuck. Screw roommates. If I could afford it I would DEFINITELY live alone.
Posted by
8:45 a.m.
Gross roommate story
Good Website idea. Here is my story:
i think the housemate with whom i share a bathroom is the most disgusting person ever. here's an example:
this morning i woke up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and stuff, and there was a dirty running shoe and a dirty washcloth in the bathroom sink. it was a shoe that the roommate had stepped in dog shit in a while ago. i picked it up by a lace and threw it on the floor. i thought my roommate was at school, but when i came up a couple hours later to take a shower, she was here, so i asked her to get the shoe out of the bathroom. we share a tiny bathroom, so it's not like i could just ignore the shoe. here's the conversation:
Me: "Can you get that shoe out of the bathroom? It's gross and I want to take a shower."
Her: "What's wrong with it?"
Me: "It has dog shit on it."
Her: "No it doesn't, I threw up on it."
Oh, well in THAT CASE... why didn't you just put it in my bed or something? because dog shit shoes are gross, but i LOVE vomit shoes. she took it out of the bathroom, but seemed mystified as to why i was unhappy with finding a barf shoe in the sink first thing in the morning.
so then i went to take my shower, and there's a goddamn skid mark of menstrual blood on the toilet seat. and this isn't the first time. i have 5 more months with her. 5 more months...
Posted by
8:44 a.m.
Shower Story
One night while on duty, I heard a knock at my door at about 1 a.m. A resident was at my door completely naked. He had a prank pulled on him and while showering had “lost” both his towel and his key to his room. To make matters worse, I was the only Resident Assistant he could find. I lived as far away from his room as possible. It was a duty night that neither the resident nor I will soon forget.
About a week later, another resident was taking a shower. His roommates thought it would be funny to take his towel and keys while he was showering. A noisy race ensued, causing everyone in the hall to stick their heads out their doors to see what was going on. This included the Resident Director’s wife.
And we all know about payback…early in the semester, a female resident had stolen her roommate’s towel, resulting in the need to use the shower curtain to cover herself. Pictures of the roommate in the shower curtain were taken. In anticipation of payback, the towel-stealing-photo-taking-roommate hid a towel in the bathroom for weeks, just in case. When the time was right…her roommate got her friends to steal the back up towel…I encountered this resident at my door one day, wrapped in a shower curtain, asking to be let into her room. It was a long walk to her room from mine. When I let her in the room, her roommate was waiting…pretending to read a book and laughing hysterically out loud.
Posted by
8:44 a.m.
Greetings! I moved to a large city where I only knew one person (an old acquaintance). I had problems finding a place to live, so I gave her a call, and she hooked me up with a friend of hers who was seeking a roommate. He's is a straight, single guy, like me. He seemed cool, so I took the room.
he FIRST NIGHT I moved in, I heard the door knob to my room rattling at 3AM
(I had locked it before bed out of general caution). I open the door, and there is my new roommate... completely naked. He was acting very weird, and was trying to get into my room. Now he is about 5'10" and 160 pounds. I am 6'5" and 290 pounds... needless to say, I could have easily put a quick (but violent) end to this nonsense. Being a nice guy, and sensing something was wrong, I just told him to go back to his room. He left, and I went back to bed. Unfortunately, this scenario played out again two more times that night, in the exact same way.
The next morning I found out that he has epilepsy. If you know the disease, you know it is common for someone to have a period of "confusion" (lasting up to 30 minutes) after a seizure. He had had a seizure that night, and was walking around confused. It freaked me out, and I still sleep with my door locked, but I'm glad I decided to settle things without violence. It turns out he's a pretty good guy, and a decent roommate. Well, mostly... the past month or so he's been turning our living room/dining room/kitchen into an extention of his bedroom by sleeping on the couch (in front of the TV) most every night. It's really annoying, but doesn't come close to trying to break into my room, naked, in the middle of the night! ;^)
Posted by
8:44 a.m.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Some reaction on: I will try to keep the housemates that I have
This comment is on reaction on this post:
Wow, some seriously terrible roommate stories on this site. Mine can’t compare with tales of felons or smelly hippies, but my own brush with a terrible roommate was enough to make me cautious.
I took a job outside New York City. I had about three weeks to find an apartment, pack up, and make the move from Chicago, so things were a little hectic, especially since it was around the holidays. Anyway I searched on Craig’s List (you can see where this is going) and found a handful of apartments that seemed reasonable. I made plans and drove out to New York because I was smart enough to actually see the places I was considering and meeting the people who lived there. Long story short, I saw some decent places (own bedroom, nice living room), some not-so-nice places (“You wouldn’t have a bedroom per se, but a section of the living room, and if you could make yourself scarce on the weekends, that would be great because I’m a swinger and I like to host orgies”), but settled on a room in a three-bedroom with two other guys, both in their mid-20s like me. Now I pride myself on being fairly good at sensing people that are more trouble that they are worth. I also have a good olfactory sense when it comes to sniffing out bullshit. Both failed miserably when I met let’s call him L. L was English. I thought it was an interesting novelty, the same way I thought it might be interesting to live with someone who worked in a tattoo parlor or was a sex columnist. He was a soccer coach and, if you believed him, quite good at it making decent money. The other guy, J, was a good guy, although I didn’t have a chance to meet him. Their other roommate, A, moved out without giving them much notice and they were searching for a replacement ASAP. I guess L and A didn’t get along so it was best that she left anyway. A didn’t want to put up with L anymore and moved out. A was much smarter than I am, apparently.
I emailed with him after giving him my first month’s rent check and explained that I would be moving in on such-and-such day. Turns out he would be out of town that day but he assured me he would mail the key to me. I tried calling to confirm that when it didn’t show up in Chicago but couldn’t get in touch with him. I figured (wrongly) that he mailed it to the apartment in New York. I make the 14-hour drive out there, crash in a hotel for the night, and head to the apartment in the morning maneuvering the U-Haul down too-narrow streets. Check the mailbox. No key. Check under the doormat. No key. Check in the bushes. No key. Call L. No answer. Call the landlady. L had given me the wrong number. Finally I manage to convince the lady who lives downstairs that I am the new roommate and she gives me a spare key.
At first, things were fine. I was busy at work, usually going 9–7, plus running errands, exploring Manhattan, etc., and L worked later in the day so there were stretches where I might not see him for a few days at a time. I’m not antisocial and neither was he, but at least if we didn’t get along, we were not in the apartment at the same time. One of my first nights there, we went out to grab some dinner at a pub/bar in White Plains. L was treating, Awesome, I thought. This is working out great. Perhaps I’m in the minority, but I was taught that when someone else is buying you dinner, there is a certain protocol. First be gracious and say thank you. Perhaps offer to pick up the tip, if the mood is right. Second, say you’ll pick up the check the next time you’re out together to make things even. Third, if someone’s taking you out, refrain from going crazy and ordering seven or eight beers (especially when they are $7 a piece), appetizers, and dessert. In other words, don’t take advantage of someone’s hospitality. I didn’t. L did. And therein is the difference between us. A few weeks later we went out to eat at a similar place. I had a burger and a Guiness. He had a burger, a chocolate sunday, cheesestick appetizers, and six beers. When he was paying the bill came to about $25. When I paid, it was $75. Funny how that happens.
The next weekend, L was going out of town and had a 9 a.m. flight out of LaGuardia. A cab runs close a $100 each way. You can get there via the train into the city and then a bus, but that takes forever and can be more trouble than it’s worth. Or you can ask your roommate for a ride. I said sure, seeing as I thought it would be good to learn how to get to the airport and if I ever needed to fly out, he could drive me. It works out well if the sack of shit you’re driving to the airport actually is timely and doesn’t make you late for work your second week on the job. “So long as I’m at my desk by 9, no problem.” Doesn’t help when the guy doesn’t get out of bed until 8 and THEN decides it’s a good time to pack. So yeah, L makes me late for work. Had I not been able to sneak in unnoticed I would have been in serious trouble, not to mention setting a poor example so soon on the job. And on a personal level, I absolutely hate being late; I can tolerate it in others, but I have an almost-allergic reaction when I run late for something.
Next week goes by without incident. I am supposed to pick him up the next Sunday afternoon. I am literally putting my jacket on to pick him up when he calls to tell me that his flight’s delayed. I said, okay and checked it out online. Sure enough: delayed. A few hours go by the website says it has taken off and will land soon. Another phone call. L missed his actual flight. Apparently he decided to make the most of being stuck in an airport and hit the bar. Drinking heavily he missed his actual flight. He wouldn’t be on the next one either because it was full. Or the one after that. Basically instead of getting in at 3, he would now be getting in at 11, and I was a real mate for picking him up. Finally I head to the airport and pick him up, and what’s this? He wants to give a friend a ride home. I made two assumptions when he wanted to give this woman a ride home. I assumed he knew her before the flight and I assumed she lived somewhere on the way home because, you know, what kind of asshole would ask a person to drive a complete stranger they just met someplace completely out of the way at fucking midnight on a Sunday. L was that asshole. I’m not wild about driving in Manhattan as it is, but the fact that she lived in fucking Tribeca and not Queens of Westchester was really the icing on the cake. (For those of you not familiar with the layout of New York, Tribeca is nowhere close to where we were going.) So I drop this woman off and breathe a sigh of relief because unlike him, I actually have to be at work by a certain time in the morning.
But it gets better. He wants to stop at a bar and see his mates. Some shit bar in Alphabet City. I say okay. I just don’t want to argue…too tired. Not so much a stop to say hello, but a stop to having a few drinks and snort coke out back. Yeah, nice surprise when your asshole roommate is a junkie to boot, isn’t it? We finally got home at about 4. To this day I think he thinks he did me a favor. In some twisted logic he thinks that that experience was “good” for me.
In short order the next six months went much the same way until I just started saying no to him. Seriously I think I should have taken a rape prevention class before living with this guy.
I stopped doing him favors of any kind the time he went on one of his many benders with his friends and needed a ride from the city at 3 a.m. I mean, who calls a person at that hour looking for a ride? And being rather insistent that you give him one? Being a complete idiot and letting my manners get the best of me, I rolled out of bed, threw on some shoes, printed out directions from MapQuest, and headed out. Oh and it was February. Sitting on the backed-up FDR (the expressway that runs along the east side of Manhattan) I had to wonder why I didn’t take being locked out of the apartment as being some divine intervention. When he complained that it took me too long, I was about as close to murdering someone as I have ever been.
He had all the typical habits of being a shitty roommate: messy, didn’t do the dishes, didn’t pay bills on time, ate my food, never cleaned the bathroom, would eat my leftovers, would dominate the TV in the living room (even though he had one in his bedroom), etc. My personal favorite was the going to the bathroom with the door open, walking naked from his bedroom to the bathroom to take a shower, and the weird pride he would take in stinking up the bathroom and then leaving the door open so the whole apartment would smell. Then he got a girlfriend and despite the fact that we agreed that this would be a smoke-free apartment, he let her smoke in his room, ash in a pop can, and then throw it out in the kitchen garbage can so the rest of the apartment smelled like cigarettes too. This guy was a real peach.
Oh, then there was the one-upmanship and outright lies. L had, according to him: dated Mandy Moore, fucked Julia Stiles, chatted with David Beckham every week and attended his wedding, made $200,000 a year (for coaching 8-year-old-girl soccer), had a scholarship to Cambridge, shagged at least 300 different girls, survived cancer, was diabetic, played professional soccer, had lunch with Keira Knightly, wrote a column for Men’s Health (being a writer/editor trying to break into the industry myself, this was specifically designed to piss me off), etc. You name it, he had done it, only a thousand times better.
Then we found out he was overcharging us for rent and utilities.
L might not have been the worst roommate in the world but he definitely was an asshole.
Posted by
12:23 p.m.