Hello Roseline,Interesting little idea you have here. I moved LESS than a month ago. The woman I moved in with was cordial, friendly and considerate for the first 2 days. After that, it has been a NIGHTMARE! I have never felt so unwelcome anywhere!
She SLAMS the doors really hard, uses the washer as her personal hamper so I have to ASK to do laundry, never moved one single cup or plate so that I could put my own cups in the cabinet. She has a dog and so do I. After I moved in, I found out that her dog has an eating disorder. He eats EVERYTHING that gets put down! And she encourages his begging at the table. I have to feed both my dog and myself in my bedroom and if I don't remember to put my dog's food UP, hers will come trolling and eat it all. She says I stress too much about it but how else will I know if my own dog is healthy and eating if I don't keep an eye on her food intake?
She keeps the TV on 10. The volume is so loud that I can't hear my own TV in my room unless I turn it up uncomfortably LOUD myself! She keeps the vacuum cleaner in her room so that I have to ASK for it when I want to clean my room. And if she's not here, of course I would never violate her space, so I have to wait till she gets home to do my own cleaning. Oh yeah, she has never given me a key to the house and keeps the garage door key in her car (the garage is used for storage and not for cars). I have things stored in the garage. I can't get to them unless of course she's home and I ASK her when she's in a good mood. I don't drink...she slams down a bottle of wine a day (which I had no idea about b/4 moving).
The list goes on...it sounds like small things but there are so many of them. I feel like an intruder here. This is not how it was supposed to be...
Of course I am now looking around for a different place...
Monday, November 27, 2006
I have never felt so unwelcome anywhere!
Posted by
11:16 a.m.
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I hear you, I'm feelin' what you're sayin. Chemistry between people is tricky. I like to do a trial period first ... then review. Unfortunately not everyone is cool with that kind of idea. Good luck & MOVE OUT NOW!!!
Life's toooooo short!!
I suggest run while you still can!!!!!
Gosh I am in the same exact situation. I live with my landlady and she is nothing short of a nightmare. She suffers from PMS 24/7 365 days a year and always looks like she smelt something nasty. Her temper is horrible and language abusive. And you know what, I am getting the hell out, so should you
Geez, that reminds me of 3 months ago when I returned to Arizona! I took a house rental on 116th and Alabama. NEVER AGAIN FOLKS! NEVER AGAIN. Oh my gosh...I decided to put a roommate ad on myspace searching for a decent roommate offering a place around the area, and decided to see how it went.
There was this big fat lady who answered it back and directed me to her profile. Ugh. Ok, now I figured I'd be nice and hospitable and make it work. I try to not look at people only from the outside and said to myself come on now, don't be shallow.
I wish I would have been shallow AND crude now.
It was all nice and wonderful over email, myspace, and even on the phone until I got there! It turned out that this nasty 380lb plumper wanted me to be her sex slave and worship her for being a BBW! I said HELLL NOOO!!! I am NOT into that. Then she told me ok, well if you want to be my roommate and you don't want to sleep with me, you have to be gone at least 13 hours per day to give me time to find and fuck other men. WHAAAAT?! WHAAAT?!! Omg. I came there to be a roommate, NOT an on-call dildo for the Michelin-man's sister. And I wasn't going to pay to live there when I wasn't allowed to live there! Wtf. She decided that she didn't want a roommate after I told her there might be times I'm not at work for more than 8 hours and decide to come home and spend time at my room. She wanted me to move out at the end of the month, but I told her if she gave me even half of what I paid her back I'd move out the next day. It was a deal.
Today's lesson: Never, EVER move in with a fat nasty sex-crazed BBW from myspace! You'll regret it.
I lived w/a 60 YO hippie who only bathed once a month. The smell was so bad you had to hold your breath walking past his room.
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