Let's exchange hair-raising tales of bad roommates. They drive you crazy. They make you insane. Who's had a roommate who borrowed clothes without asking? Or mother you, tell what to eat, how to dress or how to do your job? It's happened to all of us.
Send the story at roseline43@hotmail.com or add a comment to this post.
Friday, December 29, 2006
WANTED: Stories & Comments!!!
Posted by
5:56 p.m.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
I will try to keep the housemates that I have
Well,I found this site while I was posting for a new housemates, and after reading this, I think maybe I will try to keep the housemates that I have.
First of all, I disagree with the term 'roommate' unless you are actually going to share a 'room'. I am proposing to rent a room in a condo. I am renting space. I am not renting myself out as an advisor (legal, psychological or otherwise), I will not show my condomate how to connect his/her computer, nor do I expect to share communal meals or meal planning. I carefully select my condomates by their work schedule--the longer they work (8 hour minimum) and further away, the better. They must work a minimum of 8 - 5 Monday through Friday.
I turned down a couple of guys because they were mortgage brokers, realtors, etc. who had 'flexible schedules' and worked out of the house a lot. I turned down one guy because he was too fat and I didn't want him ruining my bed and couch, nor did I want the inconvenience of trying to get by him in the kitchen or the hall.
I go out of my way to accommodate my condomates' schedule and not be using the kitchen, or washer and dryer when they are home. I am so quiet that my condomate will not hear me when I come in, when I leave or when I move from room to room. I would like my condo mate to do the same, but it is not necessary. Their noise does not necessarily bother me unless they address me directly or knock on my door, etc.
I watch TV in my room. My condomate can do so in his/her room. There is no TV in the living room. There is free wifi available, and there will be cable. I have an unlimited long distance phone line and a separate fax line.
I don't expect to be talked to every time I walk through the condo. I won't speak to the condomate, he/she doesn't need to speak to me. In fact, I do now and hope to in the future rent to a couple so that they will entertain each other, solve each other's problems and not bother me.
The condomate has the master bedroom with private bath. I have the other bath, and share it only with the tenant in the other bedroom. I do not entertain, and I do not want a condomate who entertains. Guests will be only on special occasions, and there is no "guest bathroom". If the condomate has an occasional guest, the guest uses THEIR bathroom.
My office is off limits as is my bedroom and the area immediately outside it. NO ONE knocks on my door. If the condomate wants to contact me he/she can leave a message on my voicemail. I check it when I feel like it. When I want to contact my condomate about an issue, I leave a note under the door or call their cell, usually leave the note.
I expect the condo mate to clean up after him/herself in the kitchen and his/her own room. I and the other condomate are responsible for the rest of the condo. I always leave the vacuum cleaner out because I do not want to be bothered to get it for them.
In my opinion, I offer my condomate the best of both world--sharing costs with a condomate who is like not even there at all.
When I had the female condomate alone, I did try to socialize with her a little as I felt sorry for her. And she was SO NEEDY. She makes 'notice me' noise everytime she comes out of her room--cough, sigh, sneeze, breathe deep, yawn, right outside my room. Then she goes into the kitchen--bang, bang, slam, pause, bang, bang, slam, pause, again and pause, then "Are you in there?" referring to my office in the dining area which I have done everything to to separate from the rest of the condo except building a soundproof wall keeping people from coming in. (But when I get some extra money, I will do that.) When her boyfriend came to live with her, I thought it would get better and it has, but she still makes the 'notice me' noise right in front of my bedroom door as she passes it.
These people NEVER GO ANYWHERE --except to work. So they are there ALL WEEKEND LONG EVERY WEEKEND! I am so glad I would not allow a TV in the living room! Forturnatly they are so TV addicted, they only run out to the kitchen to use the washer or micowave and then run back into their rooms. Otherwise, these slugs would be sitting on the couch from Friday to Monday.
Also, she has lived with me for 27 months and has only been on time with the rent 4 times. Her rent is due 10 days before I pay, and I still have to stress out over having the rent. Now her slug boyfriend has moved in with her, and she is STILL late on the rent???? Also, she/he pull out the washer and never put it back, so I have to do it. But like I said, after reading some of these people's experiences, my problems are pretty small.
OK, people, I know from reading these posts that there are worse roommates out there, but from what I read the problems were as much the fault of the renter as the rentee. Like it would be a cold day in hell before the condomate could borrow my car (or before I would ask the condomate to borrow his/hers). When my car is down, I rent one or take the bus. The condomate could do the same.
Let's get this straight. I'm renting space and the utility services that go with it. I don't say hello and goodbye and goodnight to my condomate. I don't explain my absences or why I have been out late, and I don't want to know their stories. I rent them the room and I let them be, let them have their privacy. I want mine.
So what do you people think? Am I way out of line? Do most people who rent rooms actually want to do this to interact with other people? Wouldn't everyone who could afford it rather have their own space and privacy?
CDCD RCD & DVD Duplication 1 - 10,000
Posted by
4:00 p.m.
I will never have a roommate again!!!!
I was in the process of getting a divorce and I had a big home at the time and thought about renting out a room to make ends meet.Well,I put an ad in our local paper and got alot of responses.Each time I set up an interview.I met a older guy who seemed quiet and said he would help out in the house-ie:fixing stuff.
He always pays his rent on time and it seemed too good to be true-It was-he was very loud even just walking he was a small framed guy but it sounded like a herd of elephants when he was walking through the house.He always had his girlfriend there.Which was no problem.But as time went by he was late in paying rent saying he was sick and couldn't work-I was nice enough to let it slide but he was late all the time.One day he was very on edge and calling up a person and getting very loud and cursing and when his girlfriend tried to calm him down he hauled off and hit her right in front of me and my boyfriend.My boyfriend was a larger man then him and he didn't let that sit well with him hitting a woman.So,they got into it and my roommate locked himself in his room.While his girlfriend was a mess-bleeding etc.I asked her if she would press charges and she said yes. So,I called the police and they came right away.
Well,comes to find out my lovely roommate was on parole for manslaughter and he was sick from coming down off heroin! That is why he was calling up a certain person and cussing at him...it was his drug dealer!!The police hauled him away and put him in jail and I was stuck with his junk and his parents who were elderly couldn't take his stuff.I kept getting threatening calls from him in jail and telling me if I throw his stuff out he would come after me! I had to go and get a PPO out on him.It was a plain mess.I will never have a roommate again!!!!
Posted by
3:58 p.m.
Plastic cup
I had a roommate who would write my name on a plastic cup and expected me to drink from the same plastic cup everyday, in my own house! I would throw the cup out everyday when I came in, and the next day there would be another.
I am happy to say that this lunatic is out of my house now, and is an over the road truck driver, just what the world needed!!
Posted by
3:55 p.m.
Friday, December 22, 2006
I think I had the WORST roommate EVER!
In September of this year I met my now girlfriend. She would come over to my apartment every day and hang out, even if I wasn't there; we weren't a couple until the end of October. In early October, she said that one of her best friends got stuck in the middle of a bad situation that was out of his control and was just released from prison. (My girlfriend was also on parole but don't judge yet.) They had been friends for 2 years and she trusted him enough to bring him to my place so I let them hang out. The 3 of us hung out for about a week and I started getting buried in financial problems. I was going to rent out my bedroom and I would have a "room" in the dining area.
That was where the tension began. The small talk errupted into a screaming match between my GF and my roommate. They were never able to reconcile their problems. My GF and I decided that if he was going to be a dick about the whole thing, then we would just do our own thing. There would be times when her and I would just be sitting next to each other on the couch, watching tv or something, and she would have her arm around me or her hand on my leg, but nothing more than that ever. He would get all pissed off then slam the door and start punching the walls and turn on his "Ministry" CD at like Mach 10 sound; which is really annoying and my neighbors have had us written us up for it.
That went on for weeks. It was so frustrating. We would have to make up excuses to be alone together for 30 seconds. It wasn't but 2weeks after he moved in that his job "just wasn't working out". I told him I would drive him to job interviews whenever he needed but he needed to get a job asap. He said he would but only went to 2 interviews in 3 months.
In early November, my GF was arrested and is stuck there for awhile. So it was just me and the ass-hole. The first weeks or so were actually alot better then I had expected. I think he was happy that my GF (his supposed BFF) was gone and he thought he could get a "rebound-fuck" or something. He was helpful and we (I thought) became like brother and sister.
He started acting wierd: staying up all night, constant quick phone calls-then he would take off for hours, then it became constant incoming calls all hours of the day and night. He would answer and say either yes or no then would run outside for a few minutes then come back in like that was nothing. I suspected that he was using and selling drugs in the apt.
Then he started having all sorts of girls over ALL the time. He wouldn't even ask me if it was cool. (This was late Nov early Dec-and he STILL hadn't paid rent). I started getting really irriated with him so I would do things like unplug the phone jack, and put passwords all over the stuff he wanted to use on the computer/internet. I would act like I had no idea what was going on but he knew and would start in his little rage fits.
I was scared of him. I'm 5'2", 135 lbs and he was 6'5" 220 lbs and looked like a biker, with a bald head and long mustauch complete with lots of tattoos. I started to just not come home for days at a time, then when I got home he would scream at me that he was looking for me cause he needed to use my car for a job interview. Whatever. One day he left for awhile so I looked through his stuff. I found a bunch of my stuff hidden in his room but then I found his prison/parole paperwork. This guy was/is Bi-Polar, has multiple personality disorder and is supposed to be on heavy psyc meds. He had also gotten in 4 or 5 fights in prison and the CO's noted that he had "worrysome behavior that leads to violence"-or something like that.
I wasn't sure what to do just yet and didn't confront him until a couple days later. Well what sent me over the edge to finally tell him was something I found on my computer. I was going through all these hidden folders cause I was getting alot of viruses and in looking through one file, I found pictures of my roommate wearing my red lacy bra and white lacy underwear. Just sittin' there on the couch with his hairy chest. He had taken the pics himself from my webcam.
I was totally disturbed by them and I got up, walked into his room and said flat out: "I don't want you selling drugs out of my house anymore." He simply said "ok, I wont." Then I started in about the disrespect he had been showing me lately, so he brought up the fact that something was missing from his room, so I brought the fact that the things that was missing was MINE; what else was mine was the computer and I didn't appreciate the porn he had on there not to mention the pics of him I had just found. He was floored. We were both yelling at that point and my friend who was over, heard everything-and he knew that. He got so pissed and said that his private business was his private business.
I rebutted with the fact that the computer was mine so I had every right to go through all the files. He said that the pics weren't supposed to be there. I told him they were and that I would delete them but he needed to get out-that night. He said he had been looking for other places already and that since he was living there for more than 30 days, he had 30 days to get out.
Some girl came by around 10 am to pick him up, as he was leaving, I asked for my keys back. He said he would give me the keys when he was all done moving out. I told him it had better be today and he said fuck you, then walked out. I was upset and scared so I was gonna stay with a friend. Well when I walked out to my car...it was gone. That's right. The fucker stole my car. Along with ALL my personal information, previous bills, medical info, computer logons...everything. I did get my car back and he was arrested at the time for the GTA. That cost me a whole day and $135 and left me frustrated to Hell with my local PD for giving me the run around. Oh ya-AND he called me collect from jail and left a message saying "you'll regret this"
You're not gonna believe this....He was trying to hook up with a 13 year old girl online and was selling drugs. (That 13 year was old more like a 20-something undercover cop) The cops were pissed that they couldn't bring him in and absolutely TORE my place apart. In his room, in the stuff he had left behind, there was a pipe and a big baggie of drugs. The cops were assholes and I told them it was his, but I could tell that they didn't want to leave my place empty handed. My friend who was with me was on probation and I have no record so I told the cops I would take the charge for the drugs.
They said that they didn't want someone to just TAKE them, they wanted to know who it belonged to. After working it out with them, I was arrested and booked, 3 cities away. Turns out that what I thought was gonna be a misdemeanor, was a felony. I now have a court date for a felony. The ass-hole was released (COP'd) has been trying to hack my computer and is trying to get full administrator access to all my utilities and phones.
I have MORE than learned my lesson on roommates: never again!
Posted by
5:55 p.m.
Monday, December 18, 2006
James has left a new comment on your post "I have never felt so unwelcome anywhere!":
Read the original post:
Geez, that reminds me of 3 months ago when I returned to Arizona! I took a house rental on 116th and Alabama. NEVER AGAIN FOLKS! NEVER AGAIN. Oh my gosh...I decided to put a roommate ad on myspace searching for a decent roommate offering a place around the area, and decided to see how it went.
There was this big fat lady who answered it back and directed me to her profile. Ugh. Ok, now I figured I'd be nice and hospitable and make it work. I try to not look at people only from the outside and said to myself come on now, don't be shallow.
I wish I would have been shallow AND crude now.
It was all nice and wonderful over email, myspace, and even on the phone until I got there! It turned out that this nasty 380lb plumper wanted me to be her sex slave and worship her for being a BBW! I said HELLL NOOO!!! I am NOT into that. Then she told me ok, well if you want to be my roommate and you don't want to sleep with me, you have to be gone at least 13 hours per day to give me time to find and fuck other men. WHAAAAT?! WHAAAT?!! Omg. I came there to be a roommate, NOT an on-call dildo for the Michelin-man's sister. And I wasn't going to pay to live there when I wasn't allowed to live there! Wtf. She decided that she didn't want a roommate after I told her there might be times I'm not at work for more than 8 hours and decide to come home and spend time at my room. She wanted me to move out at the end of the month, but I told her if she gave me even half of what I paid her back I'd move out the next day. It was a deal.
Today's lesson: Never, EVER move in with a fat nasty sex-crazed BBW from myspace! You'll regret it.
Posted by
12:46 a.m.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The roomates are for lack of a better term retarded
I have been rentin a room for 4 mos now. Nice house. The roomates are for lack of a better term retarded (with the exception of one). I should back up a bit. Two roomates were asked to leave due to excessive partying, possible property theft, and having female guests just walk into tenant rooms (mainly mine) in the middle of the night.
One current roomate is chummy with the home owner. She basically has no prospects of ever being a homeowner or renter (being honest here). She comes home from work to sit in the garage and smokes like a chimnee (does the same thing in the morning before going to work). Never opens the garage door even a small amount for ventilation. She reminds me of a 10 watt light bulb that is ready to burn out (she had some issues growing up and basically appears to be traumatized; loud talker and basically gives the impression of being someone who has been lobotomized). This person remains chummy with the homeowner becasue she has no place to go (the homeonwer is listing his house due to being in over his head financially; he is having this roommate be his listing agent. She's done NOTHING to market it and has't even renewed her local NAR dues for listing purposes). The 2nd roomtae is new and is not much brighter (maybe a 15 watt bulb approaching the end of it's life span). The third new roomate is hardly home, so I cannot formulate an opinion.It is a sad situation. I just keep to myself. I am a working professional who has to bight his toungue alot. On the other hand, it is kind of pathetically sad to casually observe how others live their lives. I am basically watching two depressed people smoke themselves to death.
Posted by
12:59 p.m.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Several stories
two men in the past year and a half were computer consultants making a lot of money (I verified it) and were such stupid careless drunks that they were a threat to the welfare of my home and pets. One (Greg Sides) had an accident while drunk and ran from the police to my home. Later some people showed up here who he had hit and there was a huge argument.
Posted by
6:17 p.m.
I have been roommate with others for almost 6 years
I have been roommate with others for almost 6 years now, during my undergrad years and now graduate studies. So, I have a lot of experince about this. My advice to everybody is
never sign a lease with someone that you don't know for at least one year. Even if you know the person, still now you have to be very careful. Month to month is the best option, you can get out whenever you want without penalty. Always go and see the place and the person, look to see if the person is clean or not. Drug, trash, alcoholisim, and all of these things. you know. Make sure that everything about the cost and sharing is well understood before you move in. Avoid cheap people. they will cost you omore to get rid of them. Try to have your own private bathroom. It is the source of many problems.
good luck
Posted by
2:15 p.m.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Living with a slob
My worst experience was a roomie that other than being a slob, actually took condoms from an unopened box without asking. I am a safety person and hope that others are too but PLEASE buy your own! He never even replaced what he used. Kinda creeps me out too because he had an airmatress to sleep on and I had a sleeper sofa. I shudder to think what happened when I was out of town.
Type rest of the post here
Posted by
11:28 p.m.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Practicing Stripper
In my forth year of university I answered an ad in the school centre for a roommate. Quiet nondrinking muslim girl looking for a roomie. Rent was cheap and since I'm on the wagon, figured why not. Nice girl. Divorced when she caught her husband in bed with his friend, and it turned out she was a stripper. It was a wild and wacky couple of months. Sort of fun and well... she did practice her routine at home and ask for reviews. Never brought my girlfiriend over thats for sure. Guy friends always were dropping by for no reason though.
Type rest of the post here
Posted by
11:32 a.m.
Monday, November 27, 2006
I have never felt so unwelcome anywhere!
Hello Roseline,Interesting little idea you have here. I moved LESS than a month ago. The woman I moved in with was cordial, friendly and considerate for the first 2 days. After that, it has been a NIGHTMARE! I have never felt so unwelcome anywhere!
She SLAMS the doors really hard, uses the washer as her personal hamper so I have to ASK to do laundry, never moved one single cup or plate so that I could put my own cups in the cabinet. She has a dog and so do I. After I moved in, I found out that her dog has an eating disorder. He eats EVERYTHING that gets put down! And she encourages his begging at the table. I have to feed both my dog and myself in my bedroom and if I don't remember to put my dog's food UP, hers will come trolling and eat it all. She says I stress too much about it but how else will I know if my own dog is healthy and eating if I don't keep an eye on her food intake?
She keeps the TV on 10. The volume is so loud that I can't hear my own TV in my room unless I turn it up uncomfortably LOUD myself! She keeps the vacuum cleaner in her room so that I have to ASK for it when I want to clean my room. And if she's not here, of course I would never violate her space, so I have to wait till she gets home to do my own cleaning. Oh yeah, she has never given me a key to the house and keeps the garage door key in her car (the garage is used for storage and not for cars). I have things stored in the garage. I can't get to them unless of course she's home and I ASK her when she's in a good mood. I don't drink...she slams down a bottle of wine a day (which I had no idea about b/4 moving).
The list goes on...it sounds like small things but there are so many of them. I feel like an intruder here. This is not how it was supposed to be...
Of course I am now looking around for a different place...
Posted by
11:16 a.m.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
I have two horrible experiences....
I'm female, and my first roomy seemed cool at first. The first day I moved in I realized I'd made a big mistake, but I can't talk about that whole thing pending court action against him, so I'll tell you after I win!
The guy I'm living with now is a total freaking slob! Absolutely disgusting. I am the only one in 2 months who has cleaned the kitchen. He also collects the trash in the garage instead of paying the 5 bucks a month for the trash people to take it. I have found many spiders in this place, along with tons of spiderwebs. He never vaccuums. He uses my stuff without asking, and one day I come home and he puts a lock over the thermostat so I couldn't use it. He likes to freeze me out. Luckily I am moving out of this hell hole next week, and I tell you, guys are slobs and I am never rooming with them again! I learned my lesson, get your own place!
Posted by
9:36 p.m.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Casey said...
My coworker and I decided to rent together, and that's where things went wrong. First, he claimed to make about $10,000 a year more than he actually does. So, for his sake, we got a third roommate. Then, because he had a two-week vacation, he proposed that he only pay half a month's rent. That was quickly vetoed, but things only got worse.
This guy hangs out with a bunch of giggly girls that are 4-5 yrs younger and invites them over to drink our beer and wine (take into account that these girls are underage) and run around the house like a pack of wild idiots. To make things worse, these girls are really ugly and socially inept. Once, I came home late and found that they had run through my bedroom, leaving hacky sacks all over the floor (they were playing some hacky-sack dodgeball tag thing all night. weird.)
If you're going to go into somebody else's room, at least try to hide the evidence, you dunce.
This guy is also really dirty. My sister came over and accidentally sat in a pile of this guy's toe nail clippings, because he had left them all over the couch. When confronted, he accused me of being whiny. Now the question is, why did I decide to room with this mongoloid to begin with? Well, he's a liar. He agreed with all my opinions and told me he liked all the same things that I did when we were getting to know each other. Then, the story changed as he met new people. I don't think this guy really has a defined personality or a spine.
I kicked him out after 4 months.
Posted by
4:28 p.m.
At 1:23 AM, Anonymous said…
I had a roomate that stole my dirty underwear out of the hamper and would wear them DIRTY! GROSS! Not that I would ever wear them again. I would find them in the huge pil of dirty laubdry in the middle of her room (this thing was huge it was taller then me. When I did find them I discovered she turned the crouch area of black underwear orange. Like dyed them. That is pretty nasty.
Posted by
4:23 p.m.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
sugarmaple12 said...
I had one hell of a horrible roommate when I first moved to Denver.
We met through Craigslist (of course, because I didn't know anyone) I moved into a 2 bedroom dump that was fair in price. I figured it was a good way to meet some new people by having someone else moving in..... yeah right.
So, I met this girl (We'll call her V) who seemed really nice. Obviously spoiled rotten to hell. Her mommy paid for half her rent (which was $450 incl utils!!!) Trust fund baby- who abused her funds, and worked at whole foods. She claimed she was a "good girl" who had a BF in some other state- yet was messing around with one of our neighbors.
I told V (before she moved in) that my cat would be moving here in a couple of weeks when I was planning a trip home to the east coast. My cat is so great (and i'm more of a dog person- i like cats, but would rather have a dog)She's indoor/outdoor, doesn't need a litter box, and keeps to herself. V claimed that she was allergic, but would deal with it. I asked her if she was sure about that statement. "Oh yeah, I'll be fine." OOOOOkkkkaaaaayyyy- I warned her!
Well needless to say, she wasn't ok with it. V instantly became bitchy. Never spoke to me, never was around. So I asked her if everything was alright and if there was anything I could do to help her (SEVERAL TIMES) "Everything's fine, I'm just tired and I've got a lot of stuff going on." That was one of her daily sayings. BUT- when she was around- she would pick up my cat and nuzzle her head into her face. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!! And you say youre allergic??
My friends/neighbors had witness her abusing my cat several times and of course I confronted her about- she denied, naturally.
Wait- theres more. She had a dog. A yipping dust mop piece of shit (don't get me wrong- I LOVE dogs- jsut not this one) Now mind you, we didnt have a yard in this apt. So since V was never around, the dog NEVER went outside. Meaning I would come home to dog piss and poo everywhere- the kicker is that the dog insisted to shit in my room. I'm sure V loved this. I explained to her that she was neglecting her dog and that she didnt deserve it. It's just plain abuse. SHe would come home from a long day of work, not take the dog out, and crash for the night. This dog was inside for over 18 hours without going outside. (I should have called animal control on her ass!) Anf this happened for about 2 months- this is no one shot deal here people. HELLO!!! It's called responsibility!! YOU wanted the DOG- YOU have to take it OUT. Not me! I don't mind helping out every once in a while- no prob. But when it becomes daily, several times a day- thats a little rediculous.
Now to top it all off, I came home one day (2 days before rent was due) and she packed up all her shit and moved out while I was at work!!! No warning, no 1 months notice- NOTHING.... except a note. This note that V wrote to me said that I did nothing to help her with her allergies, I was very inconciderate, and basically that I was a horrible person. It also said that she had told our landlord everything, and he said for me to deal with everything. UMMMMMMM right- I called the landlord that instant, and he said that he was trying to get a hold of her for weeks because she never paid the dog deposit. So he allowed me to use her rent deposit for Dec. rent. Thank goodness.
That bitch- she's forever out of my life... her and her little dog too!
Posted by
12:18 a.m.
HOw about SEVERAL stories?
My job, as night manager, was to close the store at night, and I did so at about 12 midnight that night.
Next day, early in the morning, I get a call from my irate boss wodering where the *@#$ are the deposits? So,. I had to drive about 15 miles to work that morning and I could not find the deposits either. MY roommate, had entered the shop at 2 a.m. that morning and took the deposits and told security that he was me!
Then, two years later, ANOTHER employee from the same work asked me to come live with him, I foolishly accepted. He was a brown belt in karate. Everything was fine, until after 3 months, he moved his gay uncle and his boyfriend into the apartment, while they were having noisy gay sex, I wanted out of the apartment!! So, my roommate, after kicking me in the stomach a few times, told me he was leaving and took all my furniture with him!
My third roommate was a young lady who LOVED Michael Jackson and Princess Di. She also loved MANY men She invited a strange man EVERY week! I got tired of it and moved out!
My other roommates were drunken fools and I even had a squatter move in and I tried everything legal and ILlegal to extricate him
I finally ended up losing my apartment and most of my belongings
laws protect squatters!
Posted by
12:13 a.m.
Okay I allowed this girl to stay at my house because she said she was homeless. Me being the trusting short and feeling bad for her, I buy it hook line and sinker and let her stay. At first things are great, but then the real demond comes out and it turns out shes a crack addict. Well to even make things worse she's a crack additct with a crack dealer boyfriend. These two need to be noted and stopped. Now that shes out she has posted two new ads under rooms wanted for Sunday 10/24/06 they read will clean for rent and need a place relly bad. Watch out for her!! It's a con game in major play and they are working the Las Vegas area really hard. I don't need to explain what happends when you bring a crack addict into your home, I'm sur you get the piture. I hope this gets post everywhere on Craigs list. These two are going to hurt someone some day.
Posted by
12:11 a.m.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Drinking story
My room mate (female) had a chemist boyfriend that made some high-end hooch and beer. I was thirsty after a long, tedious day at work and I saw in the fridge some purple liquid in small plastic pop bottles and poured one on ice and sipped it and thought they were pretty good so I went to grab another and was getting HAMMERED off the stuff. She had come home and I went to inquire what that stuff was and she said it was like 60% proof and that you are supose to mix it. Oh! I noticed she had a mid-riff T on and never knew if she had navel jewelery. She was making a mix for herself and I just blurted out if she had any navel piercings and she turned around and I touched her stomach and she sighed and she sucked in her stomach as I knew it was an invite to move my hand down lower. Yummy.... True story - and within 10 minutes I had her doggy-style in my room. I woke up the next day (late) and apologized and we both agreed it was the alcohol and what happened should be kept between us. I never drank that purple stuff again.
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4:26 p.m.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
My God..
Since Day 1, I could tell that we would probably not get along all that well. For one thing, I'm not afraid to say what I feel.. if I have a problem with someone I usually tell them on the spot. I don't go behind their back to pretend like they don't exist. The FIRST issue: She watches T.V. at 4am to sleep through "noise" outside the dorm... Apparently she can't stand random noise... she wants them constant... yeah, right. So I talked to her about it and problem solved... I can lower or turn off the T.V. FOR her if she's asleep. SECOND issue: we have one large window where the noise comes in in the morning b/c the garbage trucks here in NYc are ridiculously loud... so I closed the window b/c I remembered that she hated it.
She gets mad and says she doesn't like closing the window. Ok... so now we leave it open BUT she no longer sleeps with the T.V. THIRD issue: Her phone manners. I'm studying... she's screaming at the phone as if the person's 50 ft. away from her. OR I'm watching a movie with a friend and she's doing that annoying screaming that I had just mentioned. FINALLY: Her tone of voice.... sarcasm through and through... yeah, it sounds like she's trying to be compliant, but she's actually plotting something in that devious mind of hers... She had the nerve to say to me one day "I don't appreciate you being rude to me..." I should be saying that to her! Besides who the hell appreciates being insulted by a rude person... and Excuse me but I am NOT a rude preson."
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5:42 p.m.
Monday, October 16, 2006
I'm having flashbacks reading this...
One of my old roomates used to leave food all over the kitchen. Now, I wasn't the cleanest person, either, but I would clean up my mess before bed. Well, she didn't think she ever needed to clean up her stuff, and I walked in late one night, after working until close at a restaurant, and found our kitchen and most of our living room filled with ROACHES. And she was sleeping peacefully in her bed - completely unconcerned. I made enough racket cleaning it up that she came out to ask me to be quiet because she was trying to sleep. Nice. Oh, and her boyfriend smoked clove cigarettes - by the pack - right in the middle of our apartment. It took forever to get that smell out of there..
Another roommate had a cat. The cat was very sweet, but my roommate *never* cleaned out the litter box. So, the cat would relieve itself in other areas of the apartment. I consider this serious pet neglect and felt really sorry for the poor cat. After cleaning up several messes myself, I asked her to clean it up one day, and she huffed and walked away. I think the litter box was cleaned a month later or so....
Posted by
4:40 p.m.
Roommate Advertisements - 5 Essential Ingredients For Creating The Perfect Ad
Does your roommate advertisement jump out of the page and catch your reader's attention? If you feel your advertisement doesn't capture the imagination of potential roommates, these tips can help you. The key is to design an advertisement that's a balance between letting people know what kind of roommate is right for you while showing potential roommates why you would be their perfect roommate.
You can attract the right people by including 5 key ingredients in your advertisement. These ingredients let you write a free flowing concise advertisement where the reader can decide straight away if it's a good idea to contact you. Together with a positive tone, your advertisement will stand out and be remembered even after your potential roommate has read many advertisements.
The length of your advertisement also plays a vital role in finding the right roommate. You will need to decide how much space you wish to dedicate to each ingredient without your advertisement becoming too brief or long-winded. The easiest ways to find the right length is by trial and error or asking for a second opinion.
So, what are the 5 key ingredients to include in your advertisement? Let's take a look and find out more about each one.
1. Rent and Bond/Security Deposit
Clearly stating the rent per week, any additional expenses and if a bond/security deposit needs to be paid lets people decide if they can afford to live with you as a roommate. Ideally, your advertisement should mention if the rent already includes expenses or whether they're extra.
2. Residence and Location
In your advertisement you should mention the suburb/town and the type of dwelling you are living in. For readers to get a better picture you should include a brief description of amenities such as the number of bedrooms. You may also wish to list benefits such as cable TV, internet connection or scenic views.
3. Roommates
You should mention the number of roommates that live in your household. It lets potential roommates know how many people they would be living with and whether it's suitable for them. This screens out any people who would like to live in a smaller or larger household.
4. Roommate Ingredients
Your advertisement should state the top 2-3 traits you are looking for in a roommate, for example, an outgoing female who is a non-smoker. Listing these traits can act as a screening process and indicates to potential roommates what kind of roommate is right for you.
5. Local Amenities
It's important to list local amenities such as local shops, Cafes or transport. This will attract people to your advertisement, as these benefits are often a determining factor when looking for a roommate. A good example are students who may wish to live near public transport and close to College.
These ingredients let you create an informative advertisement where potential roommates can learn about your household while finding out which kind of roommate is right for you. Just remember, by simply adding each essential ingredient to your roommate advertisement, you too, can capture the eye of your perfect roommate.
Good Luck and Happy Roommate Hunting!
Enid Steiner is a Director of Flatwithme.com.au, an Australian online roommate service. Flatwithme.com.au lets people find their perfect roommate and provides helpful share accommodation tips, hints and advice.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Enid_Steiner
Posted by
3:22 p.m.
10 Essential Ingredients For Setting Up The Perfect Home With Roommates
Have you ever wondered how to set up the perfect home when living with roommates? Well the wait is over. As you'll discover creating the perfect home is a bit like baking the perfect cake - it's all about the ingredients.
The key to setting up the perfect home with roommates is finding the right combination of ingredients for you. This combination will be different for each household as roommates have different ideas, thoughts and personalities.
It's never too early or late to create your perfect home. You can plan your home with your new roommates before or when moving in, or alternatively with existing roommates to decide how you would like to live in the future. It's a good idea to sit down with all of your roommates to discuss and find the perfect combination of these essential ingredients. This way you can make sure that all roommates are happy and everyone's idea of the perfect home is created. Also, taking the time and planning how you would like to live, can save you time, money and hardship.
Simply, take these 10 essential ingredients, give them a bit of your own personal touch and you'll be able set up the home that's right for you.
1. Dwelling Type
Do you wish to live in a house, apartment or townhouse? The type of dwelling determines not only the rent but also the amount of maintenance that needs to be done. For example, when living in a house you will need to make sure the lawn is mowed and the garden kept tidy.
2. Lease
Will each person need to be on the lease or will the leaseholder sublet to other roommates? This is an important decision as it can have serious legal consequences for each roommate.
3. Rent
Does the rent include expenses like telephone, electricity and household items or will these be extra expenses and paid for separately? You will need to decide how and when the rent will be collected as well as how much money needs to be put aside for common household items like dishwashing detergent or light bulbs.
4. Extra Expenses
Will expenses like telephone, cable TV and/or Internet be divided equally or on a user-pays basis? When implementing a user-pays system, you will have to decide how everyone's usage will be calculated, for example, each roommate may need to enter their own pin number when using the phone.
5. Conflict Resolution
How will disagreements and disputes be handled in the household? Having a plan will allow conflicts to be solved quickly and easily.
6. Grocery Shopping
Do you wish to share grocery shopping expenses and buy items as a household or prefer each person be responsible and buy their own food and grocery items?
7. Household Chores
How will the house or apartment be kept tidy and clean? Will each person be accountable for a few chores or will everyone tidy up after themselves? You may like to set up a roster so each roommate knows which chores they need to do.
8. Furniture and Shared Household Items
Will roommates need to bring their own furniture and how will common living areas be furnished? You may also wish to create a plan on how to deal with damaged furniture and breakages.
Do roommates need to check with each other before throwing a party or can friends of roommates come and go as they please? Roommates with different social habits often have different ideas about entertaining so having some guidelines may come in handy.
10. Special Household Rules
Do you wish to make any special household rules, for example, roommates need to give 2 weeks notice before moving out? It's important that everyone knows these rules before they move in and agree to follow them.
These 10 key ingredients brings your household back to the drawing board and lets you put the pieces of the puzzle together one piece at a time. It clarifies what's important to each roommate so that you can create a home that runs smoothly and happily. So, just remember, when you take the right ingredients and the right roommates, you can build the right home for you.
Happy Roommate Hunting
Posted by
1:20 p.m.
Selecting Roommates - Your 6 Step Selection Guide
With your phone ringing off the hook and email messages piling up, are you still trying to decide how to select your new roommate? If you are, don't worry, it's just a matter of getting organized and putting together a roommate selection process that suits you. The key to successfully choosing a new roommate is to start planning how you will select your roommate before you begin your search. Creating a roommate selection process lets you become more organized which allows you to focus on choosing the right roommate. This means you can make the right choices without needing to worry that you may be choosing the wrong roommate.
The ideal roommate selection process involves 6 distinctive steps. The advantage of breaking down the process into steps is that it allows you to concentrate on each part individually without being overwhelmed by the "big picture". So, what does the selection process to find your perfect roommate involve? Let's take a look at each of the 6 steps in detail.
1. Plan Questions for Initial Enquiries
You will need to decide on 4-5 questions you would like to ask during initial telephone and email enquiries. This way you can find out more about a person and decide if you like to invite them to a roommate interview.
2. Create a Short List and Schedule Interviews
Putting together a short list shows you which people closely match the profile of your perfect roommate and would be good candidates to become your new roommate. When scheduling interviews, it's a good idea to meet with potential roommates a few hours apart, so that you don't need to cut interviews short due to the lack of time.
3. Interview Potential Roommates
Roommate interviews can be formal or informal and can be held at any place, for example, you could hold casual interviews over coffee in a local Café. Before you start interviewing, you should decide which questions you would like to ask each potential roommate. These questions will help you decide whether a person is the right roommate for you.
4. Select a Roommate
After interviewing all potential roommates, you will need to discuss and select with all existing household members a new roommate. You can do this by comparing each roommate against your perfect roommate recipe.
5. Check References
Talking to people who have lived with your chosen roommate will help you decide if that person will be the right roommate for you. If they haven't lived with roommates before, try speaking to their friends or family as they can help you discover any hidden surprises.
6. Ask Your New Roommate To Move In
Before asking your new roommate to move in, it's a good idea to sleep on your decision overnight. If you still feel confident about your choice in the morning, it's a good sign you've made the right choice.
These 6 steps give you the flexibility to create your own selection process by giving you the power to decide how to conduct interviews and select roommates while still working within a framework. Just remember, by getting organized and creating a roommate selection process, you too, will soon know how to handle all of those messages and choose the roommate that's right for you.
Good Luck and Happy Roommate Hunting!
Posted by
1:05 p.m.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Sharing the bathroom
Ok, here is my story:
My junior year of college we had an apartment that I shared with two of my friends and a friend of one of the friends. Somehow I ended up sharing the bathroom with this girl I didn't really know (to this day I still nag my friend about it saying she should've shared because it was HER friend). This girl was gross. She would eat in her bedroom instead of at the table and would just leave the leftover food in there to rot and stink.
She drank too much one night and sprayed puke on her wall when she tried to make it to her trash can and we had to yell at her for like a month to clean it up. And she had this nasty boyfriend that she kept sneaking in when we were asleep (a night or two is one thing, but he had his own dorm room and wanted to live in our apartment rent free...and did I say he was nasty) and the grossest thing they would do would go to the bathroom together. Like she would take a dump and he'd follow her in there to talk, or often, take a dump himself after she was done. A couple times they brought food in there like a bag of chips.
I don't know, maybe I'm old fashioned but the last thing in the world I want would be my boyfriend to sit in our tiny bathroom while I went to the toilet and he casually ate some cheetos
Posted by
10:22 a.m.