Thursday, October 19, 2006

My God..

"Just the fact that I actually found this website amuses me :) I'm a bit relieved to know that others have gone through some tougher roommates than the one that I probably have now (no offense to them and all) ... Seriously though.. I don't think that my roommate's a total ass.. I just think she's incredibly rude and self-centered. She literally believes that the world revolves around her.

Since Day 1, I could tell that we would probably not get along all that well. For one thing, I'm not afraid to say what I feel.. if I have a problem with someone I usually tell them on the spot. I don't go behind their back to pretend like they don't exist. The FIRST issue: She watches T.V. at 4am to sleep through "noise" outside the dorm... Apparently she can't stand random noise... she wants them constant... yeah, right. So I talked to her about it and problem solved... I can lower or turn off the T.V. FOR her if she's asleep. SECOND issue: we have one large window where the noise comes in in the morning b/c the garbage trucks here in NYc are ridiculously loud... so I closed the window b/c I remembered that she hated it.

She gets mad and says she doesn't like closing the window. Ok... so now we leave it open BUT she no longer sleeps with the T.V. THIRD issue: Her phone manners. I'm studying... she's screaming at the phone as if the person's 50 ft. away from her. OR I'm watching a movie with a friend and she's doing that annoying screaming that I had just mentioned. FINALLY: Her tone of voice.... sarcasm through and through... yeah, it sounds like she's trying to be compliant, but she's actually plotting something in that devious mind of hers... She had the nerve to say to me one day "I don't appreciate you being rude to me..." I should be saying that to her! Besides who the hell appreciates being insulted by a rude person... and Excuse me but I am NOT a rude preson."

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