Sunday, December 10, 2006

I have been roommate with others for almost 6 years

I have been roommate with others for almost 6 years now, during my undergrad years and now graduate studies. So, I have a lot of experince about this. My advice to everybody is

never sign a lease with someone that you don't know for at least one year. Even if you know the person, still now you have to be very careful. Month to month is the best option, you can get out whenever you want without penalty. Always go and see the place and the person, look to see if the person is clean or not. Drug, trash, alcoholisim, and all of these things. you know. Make sure that everything about the cost and sharing is well understood before you move in. Avoid cheap people. they will cost you omore to get rid of them. Try to have your own private bathroom. It is the source of many problems.
good luck

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